I finally started receiving some pics to post, Here are the pics of Julius' family
(minus Karen)she was hiding out.
Also i would like to wish them a Happy 10th Anniversary this week.

Love Yall
Sean Michael

Jay on the table

Chadd, soon to be Dad


Chadd lookin like his dad

the Powell boys
Thank you Sean for the happy wishes and the cake looks real good.
Happy 10th Anniversary Jay and Karen. Hope u enjoy your day and celebrate many, many more
Happy 10th Anniversary.
Love Liza
Hey Sean,
Julius said thank you, and he would like to have the real cake now.
Hey Karen and Jay. May The good Lord continue to bless you and your family. It was good to see Shaina. Hi honey. Jakar, I didn't forget you. I have something special for you when I get there. And my dear neff Chad,when is the date ? God bless you all. I love you and will see you soon.
Love, Ish
Auntz hi babies, happy anniversery & hope uall cotinue to have a blessed lifeforever God loves u & so do i.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
We thank all of you for you happy wishes. Julius said he is not letting me go anywhere, so I guess I'm stuck with him forever (lol). He's my BOO.
Julius and Karen have very handsome boys. The older one looks just like Julius and the little one looks alot like Julius's grandfather. Are you sure the girl is theirs, maybe she looks like Karen because I never seen her, were is her pic.
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