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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Holiday Wishes for those i love most

Hi guys,
it's the kid again!

I really wanted to drop a blog before Christmas and New Years takes over. The beginning of the holiday season had me very down and despondent. I had absolutely no holiday spirit. This semster was a really rough one and the fact that we were attempting to move before Christmas had me a little psychotic. Then the weather decided to provide me with a lesson in humility. Personally losing electricity for a few days and seeing the effects on people i know and care about made my little dramas very minor in scope.

This week, I really had a chance to sit back and look at what IS important to me. I've always known what mattered, but sometimes in our daily living we lose sight just trying to stay above water during the tough times.

My family has helped me find my holiday spirit again. When Liza said "It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we are together". It instantly made me emotional. I realized, It doesn't matter how many "things" we open, as long as we open our hearts to each other. The holidays have to mean more than material items, they have to be about giving and caring for others. It's really not about presents, but more about your presence, being there and spending time is much more important than spending money. Especially at a time when people have verylittle. I was humbled when i saw the amount of things my wife and kids donated to the People in Peril Shelter.

With the new year rapidly approaching one of my resolutions is to try to be a better person all year long . Not just donate time and things because it's cold out, but because it's necessary. So many people go without all year long, we should be attempting to do our part to affect their lives whenever possible.
As a family, i hope we make a committment to fight for the right causes and things that are important.
We have had a tendency to look and see what we were missing, rather than valuing what we have, not considering there are millions that have a lot less. I have a great family, great friends, and a great job, and overall a great life. Those things are in fact blessings and need to be valued and appreciated. I want all of you reading this to know that "I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU".

I hope you all have a Happy and blessed holiday season. Lets not forget those who are less fortunate. Go out and do something nice for someone you have never met and do it knowing they may never know you did it.

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: Luke 12:48

Happy Holidays
Sean Michael