After nearly 2 years, i have found my blogging jones again. It's been such a long time, i cant even remember what i haven't told people. I think the main reason i am starting this again is because sometimes i feel a little disconnected from everyone. As a family we are all over the country and i often miss communicating with everyone. We get so caught up in our day to day lives that i think we forget about each other. Things like Myspace and Facebook are helping a little, but it just feels a little strange to me. I recently watched the CNN documentary "Black in America" and i saw those families that were spread all across the US, but still made a concerted effort to stay in touch and visit each other. I know it's tough economic times for a lot of people, but a call, letter or email don't cost much.
I am attempting to do a geneology project/Family tree and i would like help form anyone that can. I am trying to compile names, dates of birth/death, of our families. I really am inteested in teaching my kids about the history of our family. I haven't been to N.O. in over 30 years and still feel like thats our foundation, but i can't even tell my kids the names of their relatives that live(d) there and their impact on this family. ANYONE that can send me info, i would appreciate it. Start with yourself, your kids, your parents, and siblings and i will attempt to piece it together.
Love y'all