Hey y'all,
It's the King again, just wanted to catch up and say happy summer, it's been a while. Just trying to kick off the summer with a bang. The kids are out of school so i am off for the summer, I decided to spend the summer with Kadijah before she goes off to the 8th grade :( and i start school again :) I am really looking forward to the White Mountains July 21-28th, Cookouts, Six Flags, BBall Hall of Fame, Berto's Wedding, Watching Kadijah play Junior Varsity Summer League, My 3rd wedding anniversary and just fun times with my family. I have picked up a new hobby, ( paintballing ) and have joined a team. That has really shown me how out of shape i really am. I'll be turning 34 this summer too, start your gift shopping now. I am not picky :)
We have also just hit a major milestone in our area, we finally can get the Tom Joyner Morning Show on the radio here. This may not seem like a big deal, (but for me in a small town, that is a bit "ethnically challenged" ) it's huge.
Remember all that this blog is a chance for us to reconnect, so if you have any topics you want discussed, or if your looking for anyone inparticular ( not cuz they owe u money ). Then let me know. I'll talk to y'all soon.
Signing off,
The King, (Mary's oldest grandbaby & Ish and Pee Wee's boy), Sean Michael Harris