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Thursday, April 27, 2006

This really is what it's all about -

I was overjoyed when i was able to add the following clip. It was actually one of the things that prompted me to start this blog. If you have time, take a minute a watch it. It may take a few minutes to load. It was one of the rare occasions that i was moved by a film, but they were so on point with this speech that i had to use it.

Friday, April 14, 2006

picture page

I am adding some pics that we recently found. Please continue to read the other pages and send me suggestions for next pages. I appreciate all the posts so far.

Me & my boys - Koran, Dasean, Jaisean. For those that don't know Jaisean is Jai's, Dasean is damian's (such great names) Koran is mine.

Jai's babies - Desha/Jaisean

Jai/Desha (katie in back)

Dougie's girls- Tif w/Koran & Kate

Liza, Dija, Carla & Desha

Moms & daugthers

My 2 brats _ Kadijah & Koran

Desha, Kadijah & Yajaira

Enough for now. Talk to you all soon.

Sean Michael

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Page 3 - Catch up

Hi y'all, Time to catch up. Your falling behind. We have had 66 views for the blog, but with few comments. Stop wasting time sending forwards and surveys and contests and put some comments on the page already. I have some Topics for this week. Take a sec and answer the questions. If you can't comment on the page, email me your answers and I'll post them for you.

Today's Topic - Summer Plans, As summer creeps nearer I hope everybody has begun planning their summertime festivities, well here is you list of queries.

1. What are your vacation plans?

2. Are you going anywhere you've never been before?

3. Do you have any special plans for your kids this year?

4. What was the best vacation/trip that you can remember?

5. What was the worst vacation/trip that you remember?

* Things to ponder*

If you have answers send them

1. How come I have never seen Uncle Dougie drive a car?

2. Why is Aaron named Aaron Douglas and not Sean Michael ( Huh TT & UGreg), He's my Mini me.

3. How is Ursula Harris a "Security Guard" you know if trouble comes, she runnin.

4. Doesn't seeing Auntie Brenda ( Jenkins ) make you want to sing "Through the Fire" by Chaka Khan ( she always looked just like her to me ) .

5. Where in the heck did the nickname "Mitzi" come from.

6. When call I stop calling Bookie "Little Sam" he's much bigger than BIG Sam.

7. Why are they selling 104 Greenhill pkwy when I can't afford to buy it ( jerks).

8. Are all you Pacers fans still mad at Ron Artest?

9. What was in the Shabazz secret sauce?

10. Is BB King Uncle Jim's biological father, that's what Uncle Dougie used to say. ( he also told me that I was adopted)

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Page 2 - A work in Progress

Hi y'all,
- It's the King again. I decided, after the responses, to start on the next page and slowly build it up as the pics come in ( i will try to put in captions with each if possible). I also want people to send me their memories that i can add. I am also going to do a Do You Remember? trivia section and see who remembers what about us.
I hope you all like it.

Do You Remember?

# 1 - The Number of Nana's apt on Wellington St. ?

# 2 - What sneaker company that Stacy Dillon (Fletcher), worked at ?

# 3 - Who stuck the knife in the socket on Kingsbury St. and blacked out the whole neighborhood ?

* Pictures Section *

Chablis and her beautiful chilren's LiLi and Eric

Me, tryin to be like Uncle Greg on the Grille

My Baby, on our way to Boston for dinner..

The Only way we can get Koran to sit down.

The Diva and her best friend (lookin like ISH)