- One day, it just hit me. I really miss the rest of my family. Most of my relatives are gone either Indy or elsewhere (due to Katrina) and I don't hardly ever speak with them. Occasional calls and letters are simply not enough.
I have so many relatives that I haven't seen since I was a kid and some I never met. Sometimes it makes me feel incomplete.
- I have the best memories of growing up. Whalom Park, Wellington St ( I broke my toes, and Nana carried me on her back to have them fixed), Riverside, TT's car Lady ( Long live New Orleans), Dale St.,( falling off the shed roof trying to get He-Man), Dix St.,(Uncle Jim & Teresa fed Jai dog biscuits, and he liked em'), Lewis St. ( The best cookouts, breaking the factory windows, Tracey fell off the cooler), Deciding to run away ( Nana packing my bag), Mom and Dad had the best cars ( the Cordoba caught fire, while we were still in it). I love music so much because of you two, I can't keep the Ohio Players or the O'jays off my playlist (thanks dad), The Brotherhood football games, Jimmy East Express, Jai threw all the food in the fridge out the window, My favorite of all houses ( Greenhill Parkway), Kingsbury St ( we were some Breakdancing fools), The Gym at the Valley with Duane, Mario and Vondell. Running Track I was the 100 meter king, Playing basketball from morning till night, Meco B - I really miss you, I named my son after you, (BSB's forever), My Senior year at Doherty ( Tony convinced me to switch schools 3 years in), Meeting my high school love ( now my wife), Cheri's Wings n' Things, My crew, Marc, Jamille, Dana Carlos and Teral(r.i.p.), The Valley at Sherry's ( Welfare Cheese grilled cheeses were the joint), Don't eat Sherry's potato Salad, The Storebus, Aunt Pam's Gumbo ( Queen St.), Mom's fried chicken and Nana's everything. I hated the smell of Chitlerlin's and I will never like Okra no matter how you cook it. Auntie Louise's House ( Hooper St.) My safe haven, when I messed up. Being her little squirt. There are so many more, but this is enough for now.
- As the patriarch of my family here in Massachusetts I often have family gatherings, trips and parties, but unfortunately most of the people that helped raise me aren't there. My family here is so great, would love for them to be able to meet the rest of my family.

- I need my kids to know their roots & their lineage. I need to hear the stories of our elders about where we came from. I need to be reconnected with the history that has made me the man I am today. I need my people down south to see the pictures of my kids. As well as my kids to know their aunts, uncles,cousins, great-aunts, great-uncles. I need us to be a family again. Even if it is over the internet.
- This blog has a mission- the mission is simple, help me find my peoples, wherever they're at, and put us all back in touch with each other.
- My instructions are simple, post a comment or response on this page. It can be as long as you want it to be. Tell us who you are, where your from, how we're related, what you do, whatever you want. If you want me to post pics, send em'. Hopefully we can get back to being what family is all about.